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Any Game
7th Sea
A Game of Thrones
Aliens Vs Predator
Austin Powers
Avatar, the Legend of Aang
Babylon 5
Banemaster: the Adventure
Battlestar Galactica
Blood Wars
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Call of Cthulhu
D&D Fortune Cards
Dark Age - Feudal Lords
Dark Millenium
Dino Hunt
Dr Who
Dragonball Z
Echelons of Fire
Echelons of Fury
Football Champions
Fullmetal Alchemist
Harry Potter
High Stakes Drifter
Highlander 1st Edition
Hyborian Gates
Illuminati: New World Order
Initial D
James Bond
Jedi Knights
Judge Dredd
Legend of the 5 Rings
Legend of the Burning Sands
Magination Duel
Marvel Overpower
Middle Earth
MLB Showdown
Monster Rancher
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
On The Edge
Pirates CSG
Pirates of the Caribbean
Power Cardz
Quest for the Grail
Scooby Doo
Sim City
Star Trek 1st Edition
Star Trek 2nd Edition
Star Wars
Star Wars - Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Pocket Models
Super Nova
Tank Commander
Tempest of the Gods
The Crow
The Nightmare Before Christmas
The Spoils
Tomb Raider
Towers in Time
Turtles Unleashed (TMNT)
Universal Fighting System
Vampire the Eternal Struggle
Warhammer 40,000
Warhammer Invasion
Wheel of Time
Wizard in Training
World of Warcraft
Young Jedi
Any Expansion
7th Sea
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- Fate's Debt
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- Iron Shadow
- Syrneth Secret
A Game of Thrones
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- Winter
- A Song of Twilight
- A Song of Night
- Iron Throne
- A House of Thorns
- A House of Talons
- Five Kings
- Westeros Premium Starter Deck
Aliens Vs Predator
- Promos
- Premiere
- Alien Resurrection
- Set 0
- Promos
Austin Powers
- The Spy Who Shagged me
Avatar, the Legend of Aang
- The Legend of Aang
Babylon 5
- Promos
- Signed
- Premiere
- Deluxe
- Psi-Corps
- Shadows
- Great War
- Severed Dreams
- Wheel of Fire
- Crusade
Banemaster: the Adventure
- Limited Edition
- American Edition
- English Edition
- Premiere
Battlestar Galactica
- Promos
- Base Set
- Betrayal
- Promos
- Limited
- Counterstrike
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- Mechwarrior
- Arsenal
- Commanders Edition
- Crusade
- Unlimited
- Collision
- Quest for the Masks 1st Edition
Blood Wars
- Rebels and Reinforcements
- Powers and Proxies
- Factols and Factions
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Promos
- Pergamum Prophecy (Limited)
- Pergamum Prophecy (Unlimited)
- Angels Curse (Limited)
- Class of 99 (Limited)
- Class of 99 (Unlimited)
- Base Set
Call of Cthulhu
- Promos
- Arkham Edition
- Unspeakable Tales
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- Eldritch Edition
- Masks of Nyarlathotep
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- Arkham Premium
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- 2020
D&D Fortune Cards
- Shadow Over Nentir Vale
- Neverwinter
- Fury of the Feywild
- Spiral of the Tharizdun
- Drow Treachery
- Promos
Dark Age - Feudal Lords
- Base Set
- Promos
Dark Millenium
- Base Set
- Damnations Gate
- Darkness Rising
- Fires of Pyrus
- Hope's Twilight
- Prophecys Peril
- Shadows of the Warp
- Promos
- 1st Edition
Dino Hunt
- Booster Series (Gold Border)
- Promos
- Base Set
- Promos
- Episode 1 and 2
- Episode 3
- Episode 4
- Episode 5
- Episode 6
- Episode 7
- Episode 8
- Episode 9
- Pine Box
- Mouth of Hell
- Reaping of Souls
- Revelations
- Boot Hill
- Ashes to Ashes
- Eye For An Eye
- Do Unto Others
- Shootout at High Noon
Dr Who
- Base Set
Dragonball Z
- Saiyan Saga
- Cell Games Saga
- Promos
- Eye of the Storm
- Judge of the Change
- Thunder at Twilight
- Preview Cards
- Promos
Echelons of Fire
- First Edition
Echelons of Fury
- First Edition
- Base Set
- The Exiled
- Firestorm Prime
Football Champions
- 2001 - 02
- Title Race
- Subbuteo
- French League
- Italian league
- Promos
Fullmetal Alchemist
- Premiere
- Promos
- Base Set
- Promos
- Limited
- Revised
- Dagger Isle
- Necropolis Park
- Drifters Nexus
Harry Potter
- Promos
- Base Set
- Quidditch Cup
- Diagon Alley
- Adventures at Hogwarts
- Chamber of Secrets
- Base Set
- Last Hallows Eve
- Blanket of Lies
- Base Set
High Stakes Drifter
- Base Set
Highlander 1st Edition
- Promos
- Arms and Tactics
- Four Horsemen
- Movie Edition
- TV Series
- The Gathering
- Watchers Chronicles
- Methos Collection
- Duncan Collection
- Legendary Saga
Hyborian Gates
- Base Set
Illuminati: New World Order
- Base Set Limited
- Assassins
- Promos
- Base Set Unlimited
- One With Everything
- Promos
- Base Set
Initial D
- Base Set
James Bond
- Base Set
Jedi Knights
- Premiere, First Day
- Premiere
- Premiere Foils
- Scum and Villainy, First Day
- Scum and Villainy Foils
- Masters of the Force
- Masters of the Force Foils
- Promos
Judge Dredd
- Promos
- Base Set
Legend of the 5 Rings
- Promos
- 1000 Years of Darkness
- A Perfect Cut
- Ambition's Debt
- An Oni's Fury
- Anvil of Despair
- Battle of Beiden Pass
- Before the Dawn
- Broken Blades
- Celestial
- Code of Bushido
- Coils of Madness
- Crimson and Jade
- Dark Allies
- Dawn of the Empire
- Dead of Winter
- Death at Koten
- Diamond
- Drums of War
- Embers of War
- Emerald
- Emerald and Jade Championship
- Emperor's Edition
- Empire At War
- Enemy of my Enemy
- Fire and Shadow
- Forbidden Knowledge
- Glory of the Empire
- Gold
- Heaven and Earth
- Heroes of Rokugan
- Hidden City
- Hidden Emperor
- Honor Bound
- Honor Counters
- Honors Veil
- Imperial
- Jade
- Khan's Defiance
- L5R Experience
- Learn to Play
- Lotus
- Obsidian
- Path of Hope
- Path of the Destroyer
- Pearl
- Reign of Blood
- Rise of the Shogun
- Samurai
- Scorpion Clan Coup
- Second City
- Seeds of Decay
- Shadowlands
- Siege of Sleeping Mountain
- Soul of the Empire
- Spirit Wars
- Storms Over Matsu Palace
- Stronger Than Steel
- Test of Enlightenment
- The Fall of Otosan Uchi
- The Harbinger
- The Heavens Will
- The Imperial Gift 1
- The Imperial Gift 2
- The Imperial Gift 3
- The Plague War
- The Truest Test
- Time of the Void
- Tomorrow
- Torn Asunder
- Training Grounds
- Training Grounds 2
- Web of Lies
- Winds of Change
- Words and Deeds
- Wrath of the Emperor
Legend of the Burning Sands
- Promos
- Shadow of the Tyrant
- Secrets and Lies
- Black Hand, Black Heart
- The Awakening
Magination Duel
- Limited
Marvel Overpower
- DC
- Justice League
- X-Men
- Promos
Middle Earth
- Promos
- Limited
- Unlimited
- Dark Minions
- Dragons
- Lidless Eye
- Against the Shadow
- The White Hand
- The Balrog
- Box Reprints
- Non English
MLB Showdown
- Base Set 2000
Monster Rancher
- 1st Edition
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Base Set
- Limited
- Dreamlands
- New Aeon
- Standard
- Miscellaneous
- Base Set
- Proteus
- Classic
On The Edge
- Limited
- Promos
- Shadows
- Standard
- The Cut-Ups Project
- Unlimited
Pirates CSG
- Promos
- Pirates of the Spanish Main (Limited)
- Pirates of the Crimson Coast
- Pirates of the Revolution (Limited)
- Pirates of the Barbary Coast
- Pirates of the South China Seas
- Davy Jones Curse
- Mysterious Islands
- Pirates of the Frozen North
- Oceans Edge
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Rise of the Fiends
- Fire and Steel
- Savage Shores
Pirates of the Caribbean
- Dead Mans Chest
Power Cardz
- Spawn
- Promos
Quest for the Grail
- Limited
- Promos
- Limited
- Unlimited
- Umbra
- The Wyrm
- War of the Amazon
- Legacy of the Tribes
- Phase 1
- Phase 2
- Phase 3
- Phase 5
- Phase 6
- Limited Base Set
- Base Set
- Promos
- Axis of Evil
- Battle of Titans
Scooby Doo
- Limited
- Promos
- 10,000 Bullets
- Back for Seconds
- Boom Chaka Laka
- Critical Shift
- Dark Future
- Empire of Evil
- Flashpoint
- Limited
- Netherworld
- Netherworld II
- Red Wedding
- Seven Masters vs the Underworld
- Shaolin Showdown
- Shurikens and Six Guns
- Standard
- Throne War
- Two-Fisted Tales of the Secret War
- Year of the Dragon
- Promos
- Basic
- Underworld
Sim City
- Promos
- Base Set
- Base Set
- German 1st Edition
- Promos
- 0th
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- Artifacts
- Birthright
- Dracnomicon
- Dragonlance
- Dungeons
- Forgotten Realms
- Night Stalkers
- Powers
- Ravenloft
- Runes and Ruins
- Underdark
- Promos
- Operation Nightfall
- Extinction Agenda
- Day of the Bullet
- Murder Lottery
Star Trek 1st Edition
- Promos
- Premier Limited
- Premier Unlimited (1994)
- Premier Unlimited (1995)
- Alternate Universe
- Collector's Tin
- Q Continuum
- First Anthology
- Fajo Collection
- Introductory 2-player Set
- First Contact
- Starter Deck II
- Deep Space 9
- Tournament Sealed Deck
- The Dominion
- Blaze of Glory
- Rules of Acquisition
- Enhanced First Contact
- Second Anthology
- Trouble With Tribbles
- Reflections
- Mirror Mirror
- Enhanced Premiere
- Voyager
- The Borg
- Holodeck Adventures
- The Motion Pictures
- All Good Things
Star Trek 2nd Edition
- Promos
- 2nd Edition Premier Base
- Energize
- Call to Arms
- Necessary Evil
- Reflections 2.0
- Strange New Worlds
- To Boldly Go
- Captain's Log
- These Are the Voyages
- In a Mirror, Darkly
- Dangerous Missions
- Genesis Collection
- 10th Anniversary
- Fractured Time
Star Wars
- Promos
- Premiere Limited
- A New Hope Limited
- Hoth Limited
- Dagobah Limited
- Cloud City Limited
- Jabbas Palace
- Special Edition
- Endor
- Reflections
- Death Star II
- Reflections II
- Tatooine
- Coruscant
- Reflections III
- Theed Palace
- Enhanced Cloud City
- Third Anthology
- Official Tournament Sealed Deck
- Jedi Pack
- Enhanced Jabbas Palace
- Jabbas Palace Sealed Deck
- Introductory 2 Player Game
- Empire Strikes Back
- Enhanced Premiere
- First Anthology
- Second Anthology
- Japanese
Star Wars - Attack of the Clones
- Attack of the Clones
Star Wars Pocket Models
- Promos
- Base Set
- Clone Wars
- Clone Wars Tactics
- Ground Assault
- Order 66
- Scum and Villainy
- Promos
- Base Set
- Rise of the Ori
- System Lords
Super Nova
- 1st Base Set
Tank Commander
- The Eastern Front
Tempest of the Gods
- Limited Edition
- Promos
- Premiere
The Crow
- Base Set
The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Base Set
The Spoils
- Beta
- First Edition
- Promos
Tomb Raider
- Promos
- Basic
- Slippery When Wet
- Big Guns
- Base Set
Towers in Time
- Base Set
- Promos
- Base Set
- Energon Wars
Turtles Unleashed (TMNT)
- Limited
Universal Fighting System
- Promos
- A Tale of Swords and Souls
- Blades of Fury
- Darkstalkers
- Deadly Ground
- Domination
- Extreme Rivals
- Fight for the Future
- Flames of Fame
- Flash of Blades
- Fortune and Glory
- Higher Calibur
- King of Fighters
- Next Level
- Penny Arcade
- Quest of Souls
- Realm of Midnight
- ShadoWar
- Siegfried Vs Sophitia
- SNK - Samurai Shodown
- Soul Arena
- Soul Caliber III
- Streetfighter
- Tekken 6
- The Cutting Edge
- The Dark Path
- Tower of Souls
- Warrior's Dream
- World Warriors
Vampire the Eternal Struggle
- Promos
- 10th Anniversary
- Jyhad Base Set
- Vampire Base Set
- Camarilla Base Set
- Third Edition
- Sabbat
- Dark Sovereigns
- Ancient Hearts
- Final Nights
- Bloodlines
- Sabbat Wars
- Anarchs
- Black Hand
- Gehenna
- Kindred Most Wanted
- Legacies of Blood
- Nights of Reckoning
- Sword of Caine
- Lords of the Night
- Twilight Rebellion
- Keepers of Tradition
- Ebony Kingdom
- Heirs to the Blood
- Blood Shadowed Court
- Signed
- Unopened Product
- Anarchs Unbound
- Anthology I
- Danse Macabre
- KOT Reprints 2
- Lost Kindred
- The Unaligned 1
- The Unaligned 2
- Promos
- Marvel Origins (Unlimited)
- Marvel Origins (1st Edition)
- DC Origins (1st Edition)
- Web of Spiderman (1st Edition)
- Superman - Man of Steel
- Marvel Knights
- Green Lantern Corps
- Avengers
- Justice League of America
- X-Men
- Infinite Crisis
- Heralds of Galactus
- Legion of Superheroes
- Promos
- Core Set
- Winds of Magic
- Dogs of War
- Path of Glory
- Legions of Chaos
- Bearers of Redemption
- Swords of Retribution
- War of Attrition
- Hand of Fate
- Marks of Power
Warhammer 40,000
- Battle for Pandora Prime
- Coronis Campaign
- Delos V
- Invasion Verdicon
- Promos
- Siege of Malogrim Hive
Warhammer Invasion
- Arcane Fire
- Burning of Derricksburg
- Core
- Deathmasters Dance
- Path of the Zealot
- Skavenblight Threat
- Tooth and Claw
- Warpstone Chronicles
- Assassin's Strike
- Battle Box 2
- Betrayal
- Black Knives
- Call to Arms
- Campaign Edition
- Counterattack
- Death's Bargain
- Dominance
- Dragon's Fury
- Epic Edition
- Eye of the Storm
- Good and Evil
- Hero's Gambit
- Light and Shadow
- Nest of Vipers
- Plane of Secrets
- Saga of the Storm
- Siege
- Sneak Attack
- Southern Kingdoms
- Temple of Lore
- Tooth and Claw
- Promos
- Promos - Demo Decks
- Promos - Winter Warfare 2003
- Promos - Santa Slayer
- Base Set
- Incursion
- Promos
Wheel of Time
- Promos
- Base Set
- Dark Prophecies
- Children of the Dragon
- Promos
- Image Universe
Wizard in Training
- Base Set
World of Warcraft
- Archive
- Assault on Icecrown Citadel
- Badge of Justice
- Betrayal of the Guardian
- Black Temple
- Blood of Gladiators
- Class of 2010
- Class of 2011
- Crafted & Crafting
- Crown of the Heavens
- Dark Moon Faire
- Death Knight
- Drums of War
- Elderlimb
- Feast of Winters Veil
- Feast of Winters Veil 2012
- Fields of Honor
- Fires of Outland
- Grand Melee
- Heroes of Azeroth
- Hunt for Illidan
- Icecrown
- Loot
- Magtheridons Lair
- March of the Legion
- Molten Core
- Naxxramas
- Onyxias Lair
- Promos
- Reign of Fire
- Scourgewar
- Servants of the Betrayer
- Throne of the Tides
- Through the Dark Portal
- Timewalkers Heroes
- Tomb of the Forgotten
- Twilight of the Dragons
- War of the Ancients
- War of the Elements
- World Breaker
- Wrathgate
- Armageddon
- Backlash
- Divas Overload
- Fully Loaded
- Great American Bash
- Insurrextion
- Mania
- No Way Out
- Promos
- Raw Deal
- Revolution
- Revolution 3: Judgment Day
- Royal Rumble
- Summerslam
- Survivor Series 1
- Survivor Series 2
- Survivor Series 3
- Unforgiven
- Velocity
- Vengeance
- Limited
- Phoenix
- Chameleon
- Promos
- Premier
- 101361
- The Truth is Out There (2nd Edition)
- 1st Edition Base Set
- Base Set Unlimited
- Promos
- Base Set
- Battle Cry
- Base Set
Young Jedi
- Promos
- Menace of Darth Maul
- The Jedi Council
- Battle of Naboo
- Duel of the Fates
- Reflections
- Boonta Eve Podrace
Card Title
Card Subtitle
Card Number
Card Type
Any Card Type
No Card Type
7th Sea
- Action
- Adventure
- Attachment
- Captain
- Chantey
- Crew
- Ship
A Game of Thrones
- Agenda
- Attachment
- Character
- Event
- House
- Location
- Plot
- Title
Aliens Vs Predator
- Barrier
- Condition
- Cross Location
- Event
- Item
- Location
- Main Character
- Supporting Character
- Vehicle
- Character
- Combat
- Disaster (combat)
- Disaster (non-combat)
- Enhancement
- Equipment
- Flash
- Global
- Haven
- Item
- Location
- Major Disaster (combat)
- Major Disaster (non-combat)
Austin Powers
- Agent
- Swinger
Avatar, the Legend of Aang
- Advantage
- Ally
- Chamber
- Strike
Babylon 5
- Aftermath
- Agenda
- Character
- Conflict
- Contingency
- Enhancement
- Event
- Fleet
- Group
- Location
Banemaster: the Adventure
- Alchemist Event
- Alchemist Feature
- Alchemist Marauder
- Alchemist Place
- Alchemist Potion
- Alchemist Power/Find
- Alchemist Spell
- Alchemist Trap
- Alchemist Treasure
- Alchemist Weapon
- Ecclesiastic Event
- Ecclesiastic Feature
- Ecclesiastic Marauder
- Ecclesiastic Place
- Ecclesiastic Potion
- Ecclesiastic Power/Find
- Ecclesiastic Spell
- Ecclesiastic Trap
- Ecclesiastic Treasure
- Ecclesiastic Weapon
- Vagabond Event
- Vagabond Feature
- Vagabond Marauder
- Vagabond Place
- Vagabond Potion
- Vagabond Power/Find
- Vagabond Spell
- Vagabond Trap
- Vagabond Treasure
- Vagabond Weapon
- Warrior Event
- Warrior Feature
- Warrior Marauder
- Warrior Place
- Warrior Potion
- Warrior Power/Find
- Warrior Spell
- Warrior Trap
- Warrior Treasure
- Warrior Weapon
Battlestar Galactica
- Base
- Event
- Mission
- Personnel
- Promo
- Ship
- Command
- Mission
- Resource
- Unit
Blood Wars
- Battlefield
- Fate
- Legion
- Warlord
- Warlord/Avatar
Call of Cthulhu
- Character
- Event
- Promo
- Support
- Armor
- Monster
- Warrior
- Weapon
- Action
- Ally
- Conan
- Foe
- Item
- Move
- Region
D&D Fortune Cards
- Attack
- Defense
- Tactic
- Treachery
Dark Age - Feudal Lords
- Character
- Instant
- Skill
- Supply
- Victory
- Weapon
Dark Millenium
- Battleship
- Character
- Cruiser
- Defenses
- Escort
- Fortification
- Infantry
- Influence
- Shock Troop
- Strategy
- Terrain
- Titan
- Vehicle
Dino Hunt
- Dinosaur
- Special
- Event
- Modifier
- Role
- Action
- Deed
- Dude
- Event
- Goods
- Hex
- Improvement
- Miracle
- Outfit
- Special
- Spirits
Dragonball Z
- Combat
- Energy Combat
- Non-Combat
- None
- Physical Combat
- Aide
- Ally
- Charter
- Decree
- Duel
- Enhancement
- Equipment
- Event
- Fief
- Personnel
- Program
- Tactic
- vassal
- Venture
Echelons of Fury
- Action
- Combatant
- Fixed
- Immediate
- Random Occurrence
- Supplies
- Character
- Home Region
- Location
- News
- Outer Region
- Ship
- Starbase Structure
- Advantage
- Fate
- hero
- Planet
- Ship
- Support
- Tactical
Fullmetal Alchemist
- Ally
- Attachment
- Event
- Leader
- Location
- Bribery
- Elemental
- External
- Gameplay
- Guardian
- Item
- Mortal
- Shield
- Shield Standard Bearer
- Shield Terrain
- Spell
- Stronghold
- Stronghold Downgrade
- Stronghold Upgrade
- Terrain
Harry Potter
- Adventure
- Character
- Creature
- Item
- Location
- Match
- Spell
- Combat Fate
- Combat Minion
- Fate
- God
- Minion
- Relic
High Stakes Drifter
- Dude
- Fortune
- Gear
Highlander 1st Edition
- Ancient Knowledge
- Attack
- Block
- Dodge
- Edge
- Event
- Guard
- Location
- Masters Trick
- Object
- Persona
- Quickening
- Ranged Attack
- Situation
- Special Attack
- Stalk
- Watcher
Hyborian Gates
- Asgard Companion
- Asgard Gate
- Asgard Trooper
- Asgard Vehicle
- Atlantean Companion
- Atlantean Gate
- Atlantean Trooper
- Chaos Companion
- Chaos Gate
- Chaos Monster
- Dimension Cards
- Gaean Companion
- Gaean Gate
- Gaean Magic
- Gaean Trooper
- Hyborian Companion
- Hyborian Gate
- Hyborian Trooper
- Mercenary Companion
- Non-Dimensional Gate
- Osiran Companion
- Osiran Gate
- Osiran Tech
- Osiran Trooper
- Power Surge
- Pyramid
- Special
- Vortex Tactics
Illuminati: New World Order
- Assassination
- Disaster
- Goal
- Group
- Illuminati
- NOW Blue
- NOW Red
- NOW Yellow
- Organisation
- Personality
- Place
- Plot
- Resource
- Ally
- Character
- Dictate
- Flash
- Manoever
- Path
- Site
Initial D
- Car
- Driver
- Mod
- Passenger
- Speed Maneuver
- Tactics Maneuver
- Team
- Track
- Turn Maneuver
James Bond
- Action
- Henchmen
- Intrigue
- Location
- Mission
- Obstacle
- Personality
- Q
- Villain
Legend of the 5 Rings
- Action
- Ancestor
- Brotherhood of Shinsei / Phoenix / Shadowlands
- Celestial
- Event
- Follower
- Followers
- Holding
- Item
- Kiho
- Personality
- Region
- Ring
- Sensei
- Spell
- Strategy
- Stronghold
- Token
- Wind
Legend of the Burning Sands
- Action
- City Section
- Follower
- Hero
- Holding
- Item
- Pantheon
- Spell
- Story
- Stronghold
Magination Duel
- Creature
- Magi
- Relic
- Spell
Middle Earth
- Character
- Dragon
- Hazard
- Minion
- Minion Resource
- Minion Site
- Region
- Resource
- Ringwraith
- Site
MLB Showdown
- Fielder
- Pitcher
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Adversary
- Castle
- Event
- Item
- Knight
- Land
- Page
- Persona
- Questions
- Song
- Taunt
- Village
- Adventure
- Ally
- Artifact
- Event
- Investigator
- Location
- Monster
- Spell
- Tome
- Agenda
- Hardware
- Node
- Operation
- Prep
- Program
- Resource
- Upgrade
On The Edge
- Character
- Condition
- Environmental
- Gear
- Resource
- Secret
- Whammy
Pirates CSG
- Crew
- Equipment
- Fort
- Island
- Sea Monster
- Ship
- Submarine
- Treasure
Pirates of the Caribbean
- Advantage
- Ally
- Strike
Quest for the Grail
- Animal Companion
- Companion
- Domain
- Event
- Lady Companion
- Quest
- Quest creature
- Quest Knight
- Reward
- Shield Reward
- Spell
- Warrior
- Warrior King
- Warrior Knight
- Weapon Reward
- Action
- Ally
- Battlefield
- Board Meeting
- Caern
- Character
- Combat
- Combat Action
- Enemy
- Equipment
- Event
- Garou
- Gift
- Moot
- Past Life
- Quest
- Realm
- Rite
- Territory
- Totem
- Tribe
- Victim
- Asset
- Base Unit
- Event
- Field Unit
- Character
- Edge
- Event
- Feng Shui Site
- Site
- State
- Challenge
- Contact
- Corporate Location
- Gear
- Location
- Objective
- Prime Runner
- Runner
- Special
- Street Location
Sim City
- Agricultural
- City Services
- Commercial
- Event
- Governmental
- Industrial
- Person
- Residential
- Special
- un
- Undeveloped Land
- Action
- Character
- Scene
- Ally
- Artifact
- Blood Ability
- Cleric
- Cleric Spell
- Dungeon
- Event
- hero
- Holding
- Magical Item
- Monster
- Psionic Power
- Psionicist
- Realm
- Regent
- Rule
- Thief
- Thief Skill
- Unarmed Combat
- Wizard
- Wizard Spell
- Action
- Agent
- Agent/Leader
- Gear
- Mission
Star Trek 1st Edition
- Artifact
- Dilemma
- Doorway
- Equipment
- Event
- Facility
- Incident
- Interrupt
- Mission
- Objective
- Outpost
- Personnel
- Ship
- Site
- Station
- Tactic
- Time Location
- Tribble
Star Trek 2nd Edition
- Dilemma
- Equipment
- Event
- Interrupt
- Mission
- Personnel
- Ship
Star Wars
- Admirals Orders
- Artillery Weapon
- Automated Weapon
- Character Weapon
- Character: Alien
- Character: Alien/Rebel
- Character: Dark Jedi Master
- Character: Darth Maul
- Character: Droid
- Character: Imperial
- Character: Jedi Master
- Character: Jedi Master/Imperial
- Character: Rebel
- Character: Republic
- Combat Vehicle
- Creature
- Creature Vehicle
- Death Star Weapon
- Defensive Shield
- Device
- Effect
- Epic Event
- Immediate Effect
- Interrupt
- Jedi Test
- Location
- Location: Site
- Location: System
- Lost Interrupt
- Mobile Effect
- Objective
- Podracer
- Political Effect
- Snow Creature
- Starship
- Starship Weapon
- Starship: Capital
- Starship: Squadron
- Starship: Starfighter
- Swamp Creature
- Transport Vehicle
- Used Interrupt
- Used or Lost Interrupt
- Used or Starting Interrupt
- Utinni Effect
- Vehicle
- Vehicle Weapon
- Vehicle: Combat
- Weapon
Star Wars - Attack of the Clones
- Battle
- Character
- Ground
- Mission
- Space
Star Wars Pocket Models
- Combat
- Objective
- Ship
- Combat
- Culture
- Event
- Gear
- Hero
- Ingenuity
- Science
- Villain
Super Nova
- Alien
- Civilization
- Environment
- Merc
- Planet
- Ship
- Ship Modifier
- Special
Tank Commander
- Action
- Artillery
- Instant
- Interrupt
- Vehicle
Tempest of the Gods
- Champion
- Deity
- Demi-God
- Follower
- Guardian
- Miracle
- Priest
- Relic
- Spell
- Temple
- Condition
- Event
- Item
- Location: Exterior
- Location: Interior
- Main Character
- Mission
- Supporting Character
The Crow
- Action
- Attachment
- Character
- Hangout
- Item
The Spoils
- Character
- item
- Location
- Tactic
Tomb Raider
- Action
- Discovery
- Location
- Obstacle
- Power 1 Character
- Power 1 Treasure
- Power 2 Character Upgrade
- Power 2 Treasure
- Power 3 Character Upgrade
- Power 3 Treasure
- Power 4 Character Upgrade
- Power 5 Character Upgrade
Towers in Time
- Follower
- Monster
- Object
- Spell
Turtles Unleashed (TMNT)
- Attack
- Character
- Event
- Item
Universal Fighting System
- Action
- Asset
- Attack
- Character
- Foundation
- Weapon
Vampire the Eternal Struggle
- Crypt
- Library
- Character
- Concealed Character
- Dual Team Character
- Equipment
- Location
- Plot Twist
Warhammer 40,000
- Cave
- Chapter Master
- Conscript - Infantry
- Conscript - Infantry - Line
- Daemon
- Daemon - Line
- Daemon - Line - Psyker
- Flyer - Daemon
- Forest
- Glacier
- Hive City
- Industrial Complex
- Infantry
- Infantry - Conscripts
- Infantry - Conscripts - Line
- Infantry - Daemon
- Infantry - Daemon - Line
- Infantry - Flyer
- Infantry - Flyer - Line
- Infantry - Gretchin
- Infantry - Gretchin - Line
- Infantry - Line
- Infantry - Line
- Infantry - Line - Daemon
- Infantry - Line - Psyker
- Infantry - Line - Veteran
- Infantry - Phoenix Lord
- Infantry - Phoenix Lord - Line
- Infantry - Psyker
- Infantry - Psyker - Line
- Infantry - Psyker - Veteran
- Infantry - Swarm
- Infantry - Swarm - Line
- Infantry - Synapse Creature - Line
- Infantry - Synapse Creature - Psyker
- Infantry - Synapse Creature - Swarm
- Infantry - Synapse Creature - Swarm - Line
- Infantry - Vehicle
- Infantry - Vehicle - Line
- Infantry - Veteran
- Infantry - Veteran - Line
- Inquisitor
- Islands
- Jungle
- Line
- Mountain
- Palace Complex
- Psyker
- Sea
- Spaceport
- Swamp
- Synapse Creature - Line
- Synapse Creature - Psyker
- Synapse Creature - Psyker - Line
- Synapse Creature - Psyker - Titan - Line
- Synapse Creature - Vehicle - Psyker - Line
- Terrain
- Titan - Line
- Tundra
- Tunnel
- Valley
- Vehicle
- Vehicle - Daemon
- Vehicle - Daemon - Line
- Vehicle - Daemon - Titan - Line
- Vehicle - Flyer
- Vehicle - Flyer - Daemon - Line
- Vehicle - Flyer - Line
- Vehicle - Infantry
- Vehicle - Line
- Vehicle - Line - Flyer
- Vehicle - Line - Titan
- Vehicle - Psyker
- Vehicle - Psyker - Line
- Vehicle - Synapse Creature - Psyker
- Vehicle - Titan
- Vehicle - Titan - Line
- Wasteland
Warhammer Invasion
- Action
- Attachment
- Banner
- building
- Cavalry
- Creature
- Cultist
- Daemon
- Elite
- Engineer
- Epic Spell
- Goblin
- Hero
- Knight
- Mage
- Priest
- Quest
- Ranger
- Rune
- Shaman
- Siege
- Skaven
- Slayer
- Sorcerer
- Spell
- Warpstone
- Warrior
- Witch Hunter
- Zealot
- Action
- Character
- Dungeon
- Item
- Action
- Ally
- Army
- Artefact
- Banner
- Calamity
- Castle
- Castle Improvement
- Diplomacy
- Fleet
- Help
- Hero
- Ruin
- Spell
- Terrain
- Treasure
- Weather
- Asset
- Character
- Interrupt
- Location
- No-Bot
- order
- Ship
- vehicle
- Weapon
Wheel of Time
- Advantage
- Challenge
- Character
- Event
- Troop
- Battlesite
- Character
- Combat
- Equipment
- Plot Twist
- Prize
World of Warcraft
- Ability
- Ability Ally
- Ally
- Armor
- Armor Set
- Equipment
- Hero
- Item
- Location
- Master Hero
- Quest
- Weapon
- Action
- Backstage Area
- Enforcer
- Foreign Object
- Grapple
- High Risk
- Maneuver
- Manuever - Grapple
- Manuever - High Risk
- Manuever - Strike
- Manuever - Submission
- Mid-Match
- Pre-Match
- Pre-Match Event
- Pre-Match Feud
- Pre-Match Manager
- Pre-Match Object
- Pre-Match Venue
- Reversal
- Strike
- Submission
- Superstar
- Trademark Finisher
- Action
- battle Action
- Battle Reaction
- Dragon
- Dragon Slayer
- Dragon Slayer Action
- Hidden Action
- Intercept Action
- Reaction
- Terrain
- Treasure
- Adversary
- Agent
- Bluff
- Combat
- Equipment
- Event
- Site
- Witness
- Lightning
- Mission
- Momentum
- Power-up
- Villain
- X-Man
Young Jedi
- Battle
- Character
- Objective
- Starship
- Weapon
Card Faction
Any Faction
No Faction
A Game of Thrones
- Baratheon
- Greyjoy
- Lannister
- Martell
- Neutral
- Stark
- Targaryen
- Unaligned
Aliens Vs Predator
- Alien
- Human
- Marine
- Predator
- Rogue
Austin Powers
- Baddie
- Goody
Babylon 5
- Babylon 5
- Centauri
- Drakh
- Human
- Minbari
- Narn
- Neutral
- Non-Aligned
- Shadow
- United
- Vorlon
Battlestar Galactica
- Any
- Civilian
- Civilian / Cylon
- Crisis
- Crisis / Cylon
- Crisis / Military
- Crisis / Political
- Cylon
- Cylon / Fighter
- Cylon / Machine
- Cylon / Pilot
- Cylon / Transport
- Enlisted
- Fighter
- Military
- Officer
- Officer / Political
- Pilot
- Political
- Scout
- Transport
- Alliance
- Clan
- ComStar
- Davion
- Ghost Bear
- Inner Sphere
- Jade Falcon
- Kurita
- Liao
- Marik
- Mercenary
- Omni
- Rasalhague
- Smoke Jaguar
- St Ives
- Steel Viper
- Steiner
- Wolf
- Wolfs Dragoons
Call of Cthulhu
- Agency
- Cthulhu
- Hastur
- Miskatonic University
- Neutral
- Shub-Niggurath
- Syndicate
- Yog-Sothoth
- Clansman
- Knight
- Nomad
- Samurai
- Saracen
- Viking
- Animal
- Any
- Armor
- Cimmeria / Nordheim
- Creature
- Darfar
- Defense
- Foe
- Human
- Melee
- Mounted
- Prepare
- Ranged
- Rest
- Shield
- Sorcerer
- Supernatural
- Unarmed
- Warrior
- Warrior / Thief
- Weapon
Dark Millenium
- Alaitoc
- Bad Moons
- Biel-Tan
- Black Templars
- Blood Axes
- Blood Ravens
- Chaos
- Chaos Cultist
- Chaos Undivided
- Cult Mechanicus
- Death Skulls
- Eldar
- Emperor's Children
- Evil Sunz
- Farseer
- Goff
- Gretchin
- Grey Knights
- Hammers of Dorn
- Imperial
- Imperial Guard
- Imperial Navy
- Inquisition
- Iron Warriors
- Iyanden
- Kaelor
- Khorne
- Kommandos
- Nurgle
- Officio Assassinorum
- Orks
- Saim Hann
- Sisters of Battle
- Slaanesh
- Space Wolves
- Speed Freaks
- Thousand Sons
- Tzeentch
- Ulthwe
- Ultramarines
- Word Bearers
- Blackjacks
- Collegium
- Drifter
- Law Dogs
- Lost Angels
- Maze Rat
- Sioux Union
- Sweetrock
- Texas Rangers
- The Agency
- The Flock
- Whateleys
Echelons of Fury
- Allied
- Axis
- Angel Cartel
- Asteroid Belt
- Asteroid Field
- Battlecruiser
- Battleship
- Blood Raiders
- Cruiser
- Destroyer
- Frigate
- Guristas
- Industrial
- Location
- Moon
- Planet
- Scout
- Serpentis
- Starbase Structure
- Station
- Upgraded Starbase
- Dysori
- Human
- Muero
- Soven
Football Champions
- A.J. Auxerre
- A.S.M.
- Arsenal
- Aston Villa
- Atalanta
- Birmingham City
- Blackburn Rovers
- Bologna
- Bolton Wanderers
- Bordeux
- Brescia
- Charlton Athletic
- Chelsea
- Chievo
- Derby County
- Equipe de France
- Estac
- Everton
- FC Metz
- Fiorentina
- Fulham
- Inter
- Ipswich Town
- Juventus
- Lazio
- Lecce
- Leeds United
- Leicester City
- Liverpool
- Lorient
- Manchester City
- Manchester United
- Marseille
- Middlesbrough
- Milan
- Montpellier
- Newcastle United
- Olympique Lyonnais
- Paris Saint-Germain
- Parma
- Perugia
- Piacenza
- Roma
- S.C. Bastia
- Sedan Ardennes
- Southampton
- Stade Rennais
- Sunderland
- Torino
- Tottenham Hotspur
- Udinese
- Venezia
- Verona
- West Bromwich Albion
- West Ham United
- Angel
- Animal
- Ba te
- Barnyard Animal
- Cankerd
- Clamjack
- Demon
- Devil
- Dragon
- Element
- Elemental Lord
- Evil Twin
- Fairy
- Fiend
- Force
- Fungus
- Geyser
- Giant
- Gnasher
- Gnome
- Goblin
- Guy
- Henchman
- Human
- Knight
- Manifestation
- Medium
- Mold
- Monolith
- Nymph
- Ogre
- Pirate
- Pixie
- Plant
- Rat
- Ri shar
- Saurian
- Schnee
- Shadow Brotherhood
- Slag Beast
- Sliph
- Spirit
- Titan
- Troll
- Undead
- Unicorn
- Varmit
- Wanderer
- Well
- Wizard
Harry Potter
- Blue
- Green
- Red
- Yellow
James Bond
- Action
- Bond
- Plot
- Q
Judge Dredd
- Dragon / Ninja
Legend of the 5 Rings
- All
- Brotherhood of Shinsei
- Brotherhood of Shinsei / Dragon
- Brotherhood of Shinsei / Dragon / Toturis Army
- Brotherhood of Shinsei / Phoenix / Shadowlands
- Brotherhood of Shinsei / Scorpion
- Brotherhood of Shinsei / Shadowlands
- Brotherhood of Shinsei / Spirit
- Crab
- Crab / Brotherhood of Shinsei
- Crab / Shadowlands
- Crab / Spirit
- Crab / Toturis Army
- Crane
- Crane / Mantis
- Crane / Ninja / Toturis Army
- Crane / Shadowlands
- Crane / Spirit
- Crane / Toturis Army
- Dragon
- Dragon / Brotherhood of Shinsei
- Dragon / Naga
- Dragon / Ninja
- Dragon / Shadowlands
- Dragon / Spirit
- Dragon / Toturis Army
- Hare
- Imperial
- Lion
- Lion / Shadowlands
- Lion / Spirit
- Lion / Toturis Army
- Mantis
- Mantis / Shadowlands
- Mantis / Spirit
- Mantis / Toturis Army
- Naga
- Naga / Toturis Army
- Ninja
- Ninja / Scorpion
- Ninja / Scorpion / Shadowlands
- Ninja / Shadowlands
- Ninja / Toturis Army
- Phoenix
- Phoenix / Brotherhood of Shinsei
- Phoenix / Shadowlands
- Phoenix / Spirit
- Phoenix / Toturis Army
- Ratling
- Ratling / Naga
- Ratling / Shadowlands
- Scorpion
- Scorpion / Ninja
- Scorpion / Shadowlands
- Scorpion / Shadowlands / Spirit
- Scorpion / Spirit
- Shadowlands
- Shadowlands / Brotherhood of Shinsei
- Shadowlands / Spider
- Shadowlands / Spirit
- Shadowlands / Toturis Army
- Shugenja
- Spider
- Spider / Brotherhood of Shinsei
- Spider / Brotherhood of Shinsei / Shadowlands
- Spider / Naga
- Spider / Ninja
- Spider / Shadowlands
- Spirit
- Temple
- Toturis Army
- Toturis Army / Mantis
- Toturis Army / Spirit
- Unaligned
- Unicorn
- Unicorn / Shadowlands
- Unicorn / Spirit
- Yoritomos Alliance
Legend of the Burning Sands
- Ashalan
- Assassins
- Celestial Alliance
- Dahab
- Ebonite
- Ivory Kingdoms
- Jackal
- Moto
- Qabal
- RaShari
- Ra'shari
- Senpet
- Unaligned
- Yodatai
Middle Earth
- Agent
- Ally
- Border-Holds
- Border-lands
- Coastal Seas
- Creature
- Creature/Event
- Dark Domains
- Dark-Domains
- Dark-holds
- Dragon Faction
- Dunadan
- Dwarf
- Elf
- Event
- Faction
- Faction Dunadan
- Faction Dwarf
- Faction Eagle
- Faction Elf
- Faction Ent
- Faction Hobbit
- Faction Man
- Faction Orc
- Faction Special
- Faction Wose
- Free-Domains
- Free-Holds
- Greater Item
- Haven
- Hobbit
- Item
- Item Gold Ring
- Long Event
- Major Item
- Man
- Minor Item
- Permanent Event
- Ruins and Lairs
- Shadow-holds
- Shadow-lands
- Short Event
- Special Item
- Troll
- Wilderness
- Wizard
- Wolf
MLB Showdown
- ChiCubs
- ChiSox
- KC
- LA
- SanD
- SanF
- TB
- Corporation
- Runner
Pirates CSG
- American
- Barbary Corsair
- English
- English / French
- English / Spanish
- French
- French / American
- Jade Rebellion
- Mercenary
- Neutral
- Pirate
- Pirate / American
- Pirate / English
- Spanish
- Spanish / French
- The Cursed
- The Cursed / Pirate
- Viking
Pirates of the Caribbean
- Body
- Bull
- Cannon
- Dark
- Fox
- Generic
- Light
- Lion
- Mind
- Sail
- Shadow
- Spirit
- Sword
- Architects
- Ascended
- Dragons
- Hand
- Jammers
- Lotus
- Monarchs
- Purists
- Seven Masters
- Syndicate
- Dwarf
- Elf
- Hobgoblin/Ork
- Human
- Lone Star
- Ogre/Ork
- Ork
- Troll
Sim City
- Green
- Purple
- Bart
- Homer
- Krusty
- Lisa
- Mr Burns
- Banshee Net
- Bloodvine
- Freelancer
- Nine Tiger
- Shadow Patriots
- The Franchise
- The Krypt
Star Trek 1st Edition
- Bajoran
- Borg
- Cardassian
- Federation
- Ferengi
- Hirogen
- Jem Hadar
- Kazon
- Klingon
- Non-Aligned
- Romulan
- Vidiian
Star Trek 2nd Edition
- Bajoran
- Borg
- Cardassian
- Dominion
- Federation
- Ferengi
- Klingon
- Maquis
- Non-Aligned
- Romulan
- Starfleet
Star Wars
- Dark Side
- Light Side
Star Wars Pocket Models
- Confederacy
- Empire
- New Trilogy
- Old Trilogy
- Rebel
- Republic
- Adversaries
- Obstacles
- Support
- Team
Tank Commander
- Both
- German
- Soviet
Tempest of the Gods
- Chaos
- Evil
- Good
- Resistance
- SkyNet
The Spoils
- Arcanist
- Banker
- Gearsmith
- Rogue
- Warlord
Tomb Raider
- Atlantean
- Cave
- Companion
- Creature
- Item
- Pacific
- Roman
- Tomb
- Trap
- Trigger
- Autobot
- Decepticon
Turtles Unleashed (TMNT)
- Fire
- Mountain
- Nature
- None
- Wind
Vampire the Eternal Struggle
- Abomination
- Ahrimanes
- Akunanse
- Assamite
- Baali
- Blood Brother
- Brujah
- Brujah Antitribu
- Caitiff
- Camarilla
- Daughter of Cacophony
- Follower of Set
- Gangrel
- Gangrel Antitribu
- Gargoyle
- Giovanni
- Guruhi
- Harbinger of Skulls
- Imbued
- Ishtarri
- Kiasyd
- Lasombra
- Malkavian
- Malkavian Antitribu
- Nagaraja
- Nosferatu
- Nosferatu Antitribu
- Osebo
- Pander
- Ravnos
- Ravnos Antitribu
- Sabbat
- Salubri
- Salubri Antitribu
- Samedi
- Toreador
- Toreador Antitribu
- Tremere
- Tremere Antitribu
- True Brujah
- Tzimisce
- Ventrue
- Ventrue Antitribu
- Anti-Matter
- Anti-Matter / Crisis
- Arkham Inmates
- Avengers
- Brotherhood
- Checkmate
- Checkmate / JLA
- Crime Lords
- Crisis
- Darkseids Elite
- Darkseids Elite / Team Superman
- Darkseids Elite / Villains United
- Darkseid's Elite
- Deathstroke
- Doom
- Doom / Avengers
- Doom / Fantastic Four
- Doom / Kang Council
- Doom / Masters of Evil
- Emerald Enemies
- Fantastic Four
- Fearsome Five
- Future Foes
- Future Foes / League of Assassins
- Gotham Knights
- Gotham Knights / Checkmate
- Green Lantern
- Hellfire Club
- Heralds of Galactus
- Heralds of Galactus / Fantastic Four
- Infinity Watch
- Inhumans
- Inhumans / Avengers
- Inhumans / Fantastic Four
- Inhumans / Negative Zone
- Injustice Gang
- JLA / Speed Force
- Kang Council
- Kree
- Kree / Skrull
- League of Assassins
- Legionnaires
- Legionnaires / Speed Force
- Legionnaires / Team Superman
- Manhunter
- Marvel Knights
- Masters of Evil
- Morlocks
- Negative Zone
- New Gods
- None
- Revenge Squad
- Secret Six
- Secret Society
- Sentinel
- Shadowpact
- Sinister Syndicate
- Skrull
- Skrull / Marvel Knights
- Skrull / Spider-Friends
- Skrull / X-Men
- Spider-Friends
- Squadron Supreme
- Team Superman
- Teen Titans
- Teen Titans / Arkham Inmates
- Teen Titans / Legionnaires
- Thunderbols
- Thunderbolts
- Underworld
- Villains United
- X-Men
- X-Statix
Warhammer 40,000
- Chaos
- Dark Eldar
- Eldar
- Generic
- Imperial Guard
- Marine
- ork
- Tyranid
Warhammer Invasion
- Cultist
- Elite
- Knight
- Deverenian
- Dwarf
- Elf
- Free Kingdoms
- Mercenary
- Nothrog
- Earther
- Gongen
- Independent
- Maverick
- Quay
- Shi
Wheel of Time
- Aes Sedai
- Aiel
- Andor
- Cairhien
- Children of the Light
- Dark One
- Dragon
- Illian
- Mercenary
- Tear
World of Warcraft
- All
- Alliance
- Battlemaster
- Brewmaster
- Cook
- Demon
- Druid
- Drunks
- Engineer
- Flight Master
- Horde
- Hunter
- King
- Mage
- Neutral
- Ninja
- Paladin
- Priest
- Researcher
- Rogue
- Scourge
- Shadow Hunter
- Shaman
- Tinker
- Warlock
- Warrior
- 3 Minute Warning
- A-Train
- Al Snow
- BA Billy Gunn
- Batista
- Big Poppa Pump
- Big Show
- Billy & Chuck
- Bobby Heenan
- Booker T
- Brock Lesnar
- Buh-Buh Ray Dudley
- Cactus Jack
- Carlito
- Chavo Guerrero
- Chris Benoit
- Chris Jericho
- Christian
- Christy
- Chyna
- D-Von Dudley
- Deadman Inc
- Doink the Clown
- Dude Love
- Dudley Boyz
- Eddie Guerrero
- Edge
- Edge & Christian
- Enforcer
- Eric Bischoff
- Eugene
- Evolution
- Faarooq
- Funaki
- Gail Kim
- Gene Snitsky
- GM Theodore Long
- Goldust
- Hardy Boyz
- Heidenreich
- Hollywood Hulk Hogan
- Hollywood Hulk Hogan & People's Team
- Hurricane
- Jake the Snake
- Jamie Noble
- Jeff Hardy
- John Bradshaw Layfield
- John Cena
- Junkyard Dog
- Kane
- Kurt Angle
- Largest Athlete
- Leader of the Peepulation
- Lita
- Los Guerreros
- Mankind
- Matt Hardy
- Mexicools
- Molly Holly
- Nidia
- Paul Heyman
- Randy Orton
- Raven
- Rene Dupree
- Rey Mysterio
- Rhyno
- Ric Flair
- Right to Censor
- Rikishi
- Road Dogg
- Rob Van Dam
- Rowdy Roddy Piper
- Sable
- Sgt. Slaughter
- Shane O'Mac
- Shawn Michaels
- Shelton Benjamin
- Spike Dudley
- Stacy Keibler
- Stephanie McMahon
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Tajiri
- Tazz
- Test
- The Bookerman
- The Game
- The Heat Seekers
- The Heat Seekers & Carlito
- The Heat Seekers & Tajiri
- The Heat Seekers & The Mexicools
- The Heat Seekers & William Regal
- The Home Team
- The Home Team & Big Show
- The Home Team & John Cena
- The Home Team & Matt Hardy
- The Home Team & Rob Van Dam
- The Hurri-Friends
- The Immortal One
- The Million Dollar Man
- The Rock
- The Rock & Christian
- Theodore Lang
- Torrie Wilson
- Triple H
- Trish Stratus
- Undertaker
- Undertaker & Deadman Inc
- Victoria
- Vince McMahon
- Viscera
- William Regal
- X-Pac
- X-treme Diva
Young Jedi
- Dark Side
- Light Side
Card Rarity
Any Rarity
7th Sea
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
A Game of Thrones
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Aliens Vs Predator
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Austin Powers
- Fixed
- Rare
Avatar, the Legend of Aang
- Common
- Rare
- Rare Foil
- Uncommon
- Zenemental
Babylon 5
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Very Rare
Banemaster: the Adventure
- Adventure
- Banemaster
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
- Common
- Fixed
- Rare
- Uncommon
Battlestar Galactica
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Signed Artist Proof
- Uncommon
- Vital
- Foil
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Foil
Blood Wars
- Chase
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Ultra-Rare
- Uncommon
- Rare
Call of Cthulhu
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Unknown
- Common
- Common-1
- Common-2
- Common-3
- Rare
- Rare-1
- Rare-2
- Super Rare
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
- Uncommon-1
- Uncommon-2
- Common
- Fixed
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
- Very Common
- Common
- Common 1
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
D&D Fortune Cards
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Dark Age - Feudal Lords
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
Dark Millenium
- Common
- Deck Exclusive
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare Foil
- Uncommon
- Very Rare
- Common
- Gold text
- Holo
- Rare
- Starter
- Uncommon
Dino Hunt
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Common 1
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Uncommon
Dr Who
- Promo
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
Dragonball Z
- Foil
- Foil Promo
- Promo
- Rare
- Starter
- Ultra Rare
- Common
- Fixed
- Imperial
- Promo
- Random
- Rare
- Set
- Uncommon
- Unknown
Echelons of Fire
- Rare
- Very Rare
Echelons of Fury
- Rare
- Very Rare
- Common
- Foil
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Fixed
- Rare
- Uncommon
Football Champions
- Foil
- Promo
- Uncommon
Fullmetal Alchemist
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Foil
- Rare
- Common 1
- Common 2
- Common 3
- Common 4
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Rare 3
- Rare 4
- Special
- Uncommon 1
- Uncommon 2
- Uncommon 3
- Uncommon 4
Harry Potter
- Foil
- Foil Promo
- Foil-Stamped Promo
- Holo-Portrait
- Rare
- Common
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Rare
High Stakes Drifter
- Fixed
- Rare
Highlander 1st Edition
- Common
- Fixed
- Premium
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Mission
- Rare
- Super Rare
- Ultra Rare
Hyborian Gates
- Common
- Fixed
- Gate
- Promo
- Rare
- Special
- Ultra-Rare
- Uncommon
Illuminati: New World Order
- Common
- Illuminati
- Promo
- Rare
- Special
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Initial D
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Rare
- Uncommon
James Bond
- Chase
- Common 1
- Common 2
- Common 3
- Common 4
- Common 5
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Rare 3
- Uncommon 1
- Uncommon 2
Jedi Knights
- Common
- Fixed
- Gold Foil Rare
- Promo
- Rare
- Silver Foil Rare
- Uncommon
Judge Dredd
- Common
- Fixed
- Home Made
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Legend of the 5 Rings
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Full Bleed
- Honor Counter
- Premium
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Token
- Uncommon
- Uncommon 2
- Uncommon 4
Legend of the Burning Sands
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Magination Duel
- Foil
- Rare
Marvel Overpower
- Promo
- Rare
- Very Rare
Middle Earth
- B1
- B2
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare 2
- Rare 3
- S1
- S1 B1
- S1 B2
- S2
- S2 B1
- S2 B2
- S3 B3
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
MLB Showdown
- Common
- Foil
Monster Rancher
- Common
- Holo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
- Common
- Fixed
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Fixed
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Vital
On The Edge
- Common-1
- Common-2
- Common-3
- Common-4
- Promo
- Rare-1
- Rare-2
- Uncommon-1
- Uncommon-2
- Uncommon-3
Pirates CSG
- Common
- Fixed
- Generic
- Promo
- Rare
- Special
- Ultra-Rare
- Uncommon
Pirates of the Caribbean
- Chamber
- Common
- Gold Doubloon
- Rare
- Uncommon
Power Cardz
- Promo
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
Quest for the Grail
- Rare
- Chase
- Common
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Starter
- Rare
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
Scooby Doo
- Fixed
- Foil
- Rare
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Promo
- Rare
Sim City
- Promo
- Rare
- Wide
- Common
- Comon
- Foil
- Rare
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Very Rare
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Star Trek 1st Edition
- Box Topper Foil
- Case Topper Foil
- Common Foil
- Dual Affiliation
- Fixed
- Premium
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare Plus
- Super Rare Foil
- Ultra Rare
- Ultra Rare Foil
- Uncommon Foil
- Very Rare Foil
Star Trek 2nd Edition
- Common
- Foil
- Foil Promo
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Star Wars
- Alternate Image
- Combo
- Common
- Common Foil
- Fixed
- Foil
- Foil Case Topper
- Foil Display Topper
- Premium
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Rare Foil
- Super Rare Foil
- Ultra Rare
- Ultra Rare Foil
- Uncommon
- Uncommon Foil
- Very Rare Foil
Star Wars - Attack of the Clones
- Common Foil
- Rare
- Rare Foil
- Uncommon Foil
Star Wars Pocket Models
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Starter
- Starter Foil
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
Super Nova
- Fixed
Tank Commander
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
Tempest of the Gods
- Common
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
The Crow
- Common
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare 1
- Rare 3
- Rare 4
- Rare 6
- Rare 8
- Uncommon
- Uncommon 2
The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Common
- Fixed
- Rare
- Ultra-Rare
- Uncommon
The Spoils
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Tomb Raider
- Promo
- Rare
- Secret Move Foil
- Common
- Rare
- Super Rare
- Ultra Rare
Towers in Time
- Promo
- Rare
- Common
- Rare
- Uncommon
Turtles Unleashed (TMNT)
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil Common
- Rare Foil
- Super Rare Foil
- Ultra Rare Foil
Universal Fighting System
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Super Rare
- Uncommon
Vampire the Eternal Struggle
- Common
- Common 1
- Common 2
- Common/Fixed
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Uncommon
- Uncommon 1
- Uncommon 2
- Vampire
- Vital
- Common
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Warhammer 40,000
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare Alternate foil
- Redemption Foil
- Uncommon
- Uncommon Alternate Foil
Warhammer Invasion
- Fixed
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
- Booster
- Both
- Starter
- Unknown
- Foil
- Rare
- Starter
Wheel of Time
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Rare 3
- Uncommon
- Chase
- Common
- Promo
- Rare
- Uncommon
Wizard in Training
- Foil
- Rare
World of Warcraft
- Alternate Art Promo
- Common
- Crafted
- Crafting Material
- Epic
- Fixed
- Foil Promo
- Loot
- Onyxias Lair Non-Foil Common
- Onyxias Lair Non-Foil Epic
- Onyxias Lair Non-Foil Rare
- Onyxias Lair Non-Foil Uncommon
- Points Card
- Promo
- Rare
- Token
- Treasure
- Uncommon
- Box Topper Foil
- Common
- Common Foil
- Fixed
- Fixed Foil
- Gen Rumble
- New Rumble
- Premium Rare
- Premium Uncommon
- Promo
- Rare
- Rare Foil
- Rumble
- Ultra-Rare Foil
- Uncommon
- Uncommon Foil
- Common
- Common 1
- Common 2
- Common 3
- Common 4
- Rare
- Rare 1
- Rare 2
- Rare 3
- Rare 4
- Uncommon
- Uncommon 1
- Uncommon 2
- Uncommon 3
- Uncommon 4
- Common
- Fixed
- Promo
- Rare
- Ultra Rare
- Uncommon
- Common
- Fixed
- Foil
- Promo
- Rare
- Starter
- Uncommon
- Rare
- Rare
Young Jedi
- Common Foil
- Premium
- Promo Foil
- Rare
- Rare Foil
- Uktra-Rare
- Ultra Rare Foil
- Ultra-Rare
- Uncommon Foil
Card Condition
Any Condition
Card Artist
Any Manufacturer
Atlas Games
Black Dragon Press
Caliber Game Systems
Comic Images
Decipher, Inc.
Discworld Convention 2014
Fantasy Flight
Gibsons Games
Harper Prism
Interactive Imagination
Last Unicorn Games
Medallion Simulations
Moments in History
New Millennium Entertainment
Round Table
Sabertooth Games
Slag Bla
Social Games
Steve Jackson
Stone Ring Games
Strategic Studies Group
TC Digital Games
Tenacious Games
Third World Games
Thunder Castle Games
U.S. Games
Upper Deck
White Wolf
Wildstorm Productions
Printed In
Any Year
In Stock
less than
then than or equal to
equal to
greater than or equal to
greater than
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This page last updated: Saturday 20th February 2021 at 5:22 pm
Website maintained by
James Hoskin